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Brighter Futures are rolling out isolation survival packs this Mental Health Awareness Week in a bid to tackle loneliness in Staffordshire.

The isolation packs will help to raise awareness of the issue and provide support to people affected by it. The campaign will support those individuals who don’t have access to personal contact through technology – and those who struggle because of bereavement.

Not everyone is a user of social media, and this is a strong reminder that people access support in different ways.

Each contains key resources, such as mindfulness colouring, access to contact numbers for support, seeds for growth, and hand sanitiser for people struggling with anxiety since the COVID pandemic began.

Like every year, Mental Health Awareness Week, taking place between May 9-15 aims to raise awareness of issues that affect our mental health. The focus this year is isolation and presents an opportunity to bring Staffordshire closer together.

Isolation continues to be a strong issue locally with a 2021 Staffordshire County Council survey showing 80% of residents had lost contact with family and friends since the pandemic.[1]

Sophie Henaughan, Manager of the Suicide Prevention Champions scheme at Brighter Futures’ commissioned Staffordshire & Stoke Suicide Prevention Partnership, says:

“We’ve put the project together using a variety of wellbeing products to promote self-care

“We know first hand here that people will benefit from such an initiative. We run several wellbeing groups that we’ve set up through Suicide Prevention Champions to respond to loneliness and the impact it has on mental health. We all need to start talking more about the effect it has – and reconnect with people.

“Hopefully, with things returning to normal after the pandemic, things will slowly change and people who haven’t built up the confidence to leave the house yet will be able to do so. This is a reminder to people that support is out there and we want to bring it to them when they can’t do it themselves.”

Brighter Futures are welcoming messages from members of the community for access to the packs. If you’re worried about someone who may benefit from these packs, whether they’re a neighbour, loved one, family member, or someone who lives locally, get in touch by emailing

Brighter Futures is a leading provider in Staffordshire for mental health support through its dedicated and tailored services.

For more information – visit

The Suicide Prevention Community Champions project is part of the wider #TalkSuicide project led by Staffordshire County Council.


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