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Brighter Futures remain at the heart of trying to end homelessness and moving people away from the streets. 

Their Rough Sleepers Team, funded by both Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, start work at 6am, 365 days-a-year, and continues to source accommodation for those who are most in need.

 If you see someone sleeping rough in either Stoke-on-Trent or Newcastle-under-Lyme – contact Brighter Futures’ freephone number on 0800 970 2304. It’s important that when calling, you provide a precise location, and the team will get out and provide support to the person sleeping rough as quickly as possible.  

People become homeless for a variety of reasons. Brighter Futures recognise that each person has different needs, requiring a personal plan to support them as they begin their journey of recovery.

 Along with 150+ properties, Brighter Futures offers accommodation for people who are find themselves homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, including Housing First, 90 Hope Street Hostel, Furlong Court, and a Community Outreach Vehicle, offering professional medical care.

  Brighter Futures Chief Executive, Helena Evans, says:

 “Most services stop over bank holidays periods, but our team is out 365 days-a-year helping people move away from the streets, going out in all weathers.

“Our customers are some of the most vulnerable people in our communities and they need support from us throughout the year. Some people have been homeless for many years and our work is about how we can help to change that. 

 “Our staff deserve enormous credit for what they do. They work closely with teams from our dedicated partners in the face of extremely challenging circumstances, such as the weather and the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.’’

A Stoke-on-Trent City Council spokesman said: “We know that people who find themselves homeless often have other complex issues that need addressing, and the team at Brighter Futures has a wealth of experience in helping people access support that meets their individual needs. The City Council’s work with partners in supporting homeless people and rough sleepers is making a real difference.

“Between April 2020 and January 2021, 323 people have been supported out of sleeping rough to move on with their lives off the streets. This compares to 250 people for the same period the year before. In January 2021, 17 people were sleeping rough in the city, compared to 31 the year before – and we are working with all 17 of those people.

“The rough sleepers team at Brighter Futures do a brilliant job all year round of moving people off the streets, supporting them into accommodation, and helping them move on with their lives. We will continue working with our partners to help eradicate rough sleeping in the city.”

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