We understand the many reasons why people sex work. We make no judgements about your situation – our concern is your safety and wellbeing.
Adult Sex Workers Service part of Brighter Futures has been supporting the rights of sex workers and those at risk of being exploited for over 25 years.
Our team runs a variety of services and projects from our building based in Hanley City Centre. We support street sex workers under the Adult Sex Worker Service. Our services include specialist support for online workers, parlour workers, street sex workers, LGBTQ, and migrant workers.
We provide safety advice, emotional support, harm minimisation supplies, sexual health screening and other support services to meet the needs of our customers.
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Human trafficking and modern slavery are amongst the most common crimes in the world, affecting millions of men and women. We believe everyone has the right to be safe and shouldn’t be judged by others.
We support people in situations where they’re trapped, coerced, or forced to take part in sexual activity. We create routes out for working with people and other services to challenge the stigma that surrounds sexual exploitation.
Emotional Support
Thanks to our relationship with the local police, we’ve come up with a plan to support victims of assault when they’re not ready to talk to the police yet. This is completely confidential and won’t be shared.
National Ugly Mugs
We are also a member of the National Ugly Mugs scheme. We keep people informed of dangerous individuals and update on any dangerous incidents.
If you are sex working, we provide help with:
- advice and signpost for STIs, pregnancy, and HIV.
- Provide free condoms and lubricants.
- Referring for accommodation
- Escaping domestic abuse
- Benefits and debt advice
- Making and attending medical appointments
- Access to sexual health screening
- A dodgy punter reporting service Safety advice and information
- Personal attack alarms
- Referrals into drug and other services
- Friendly chat and a cuppa
Our aim is to help people to keep safe and healthy, our lovely staff are highly experienced and can support with worries and concerns.
Get in touch:
We offer of a Friendly chat/cuppa and a slice of toast. Contact us to meet up and discuss how we can support you:
- 01782 286862